

WATCH: Pressure experiment with Jeff Penner


Spring has come early to Kansas City.  

Many kids have spring break during the next few weeks. There are some simple and fun experiments you can do to pass the time.  

RELATED | Watch Kalee & Nicole’s rain cloud experiment

This is sort of a weather experiment as we are releasing gas pressure from the bottle. Pressure is a major component of weather. You also might want to do this experiment outside.

What you need:

  • 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke (works best with no sugar)
  • Mint Mentos
  • A geyser tube (You can get these at Fat Brain toys or perhaps Walmart)


1. Load Mentos into geyser tube. You can put three or four in. Then close the geyser tube.

2. Open the Diet Coke 2-liter.

3. Tighten the geyser tube on top of the soda.

4. Release the Mentos into the soda.

5. Step back!

Enjoy your spring break!
